You shout first and I will shout after
Live performance with Rhys Tivey and Natalie Deryn Johnson
You shout first, and I will shout after is a six-movement composition; a live performance and experimental musical intervention by composer and musician Rhys Tivey and dancer Natalie Deryn Johnson, using objects in Sarah Entwistle’s solo exhibition at signs and symbols. The score is improvised in-situ and instructs a dancer(s) movement through the duration of the piece.
Conceived by artist Sarah Entwistle with musician Rhys Tivey as an experimental aural interaction within the exhibition, Tivey will improvise the score on material remains found within the archive of the late architect Clive Entwistle – a series of copper and brass spun vessels – the performance marks Tivey’s very first encounter with these objects. The industrially produced spun metal vessels are prototype parts left incomplete, with Tivey's activation as musical instruments they come to have a revived function creating a real-time musical abstraction. Tivey’s instrumental sound manipulation and use of body and voice explores the limits between movement/stillness and sound/silence.