Alice follows White Rabbit, falls down hole, everything is empty
Woven by Kebira Aglou
Dimensions: 360cm x 240cm
Hand woven wool, natural indigo dye.
These large scale weavings are the outcome of an on going collaboration between the artist and Moroccan weaver Kebira Aglou. The compositions for the weavings are derived from collages produced by the artist using the large collection of off cuts and left over transfer sheets, the residue of the analogue processes used by the artist’s grandfather for architectural drafting. The sheets, with scalpel marks, rubbings and cutouts, the expression of the architects’s thought processes in motion, resonate with the artist as a wordless communion between herself and her grandfather. The commissioned objects are handcrafted and developed through an exchange of this source material from the archive, with the end result displaying inevitable slippages in form, proportion and effect from the original references.These pieces form a central element of the artist's practice and have been employed as plinths for her site specific installation, He was my father, and I an atom, destined to grow into him, situated within the private apartment of Le Corbusier at Rue Nungessier, Paris. The exhibition was hosted by the Fondation Le Corbusier.